Tag: healthcare

  • In 2023, the scale of healthcare data breaches reached unprecedented levels. According to the latest HIPAA Journal analysis, a record 133 million individuals were compromised. This represents a 156% increase from 2022. (Forbes)
  • Ransomware attacks aren’t just hampering operations and costing money. They’re affecting patient care. A Ponemon survey found 45% of health IT pros reported complications from medical procedures due to ransomware attacks, up from 36% in 2021. (Chief Healthcare Executive)

A ransomware attack is a type of cyberattack in which malicious software is used to encrypt files or lock computer systems, rendering them inaccessible to users.

Ransomware attacks can cause significant disruption to organizations and individuals, resulting in data loss, financial losses, and reputational damage. 

“Cyber criminals are remotely launching ransomware attacks against U.S. hospitals, medical research laboratories, and other critical infrastructure— creating a direct threat to public health and safety; an example of how cyber criminals have become more sophisticated that’s extremely troubling for hospitals, is that hackers now specifically target medical devices, not only networks, servers, PCs, databases, and medical records.” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) 

“Cybersecurity analysts say ransomware groups are targeting hospitals because they know that many will pay to get their systems restored. And patient records are valuable on the dark web.” (Chief Healthcare Executive).

Healthcare organizations are common targets for ransomware attacks because they hold valuable information, like patient records, and losing access to this data can seriously disrupt patient care.

When attacked, they’re under pressure to quickly restore access due to the urgent need for medical information, and failing to do so can lead to regulatory fines. Plus, many hospitals lack the resources to defend against sophisticated cyberattacks, making them vulnerable.

Some have insurance that covers ransom payments, which inadvertently encourages attackers to target them. So, it’s a combination of the valuable data, urgency, regulatory obligations, limited defenses, and insurance that makes healthcare organizations a prime target for ransomware.

Ransomware typically spreads through email phishing campaigns, malicious attachments, compromised websites, or the exploitation of software vulnerabilities.  Email phishing is the most prevalent point of compromise, followed by spear-phishing (highly targeted phishing) and SMS phishing (via text message). (2023 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey)

It only takes one successful phishing attempt to cause a significant security incident. A successful phishing attack can lead to the leaking of sensitive, proprietary, or confidential information, a malware infection, or other types of security compromises (e.g., manipulation of data, credential theft, business email compromise, breaches, and others).

Once a system is infected, the ransomware encrypts files or locks the entire system, often displaying a ransom note informing the victim of the attack and providing instructions on how to pay the ransom.  

Mitigating the risk of malware takes a multifaceted security approach. At AS Software, we take these steps to safeguard customer data and help prevent ransomware damage: 

1. Protecting Your Perimeter 

Traffic to the environment is restricted to only known and approved ports and protocols. These ports can only be accessed from known IP addresses.  

2. Host-Based Intrusion Detection  

All access attempts are scanned with a host-based intrusion detection and prevention system, which flags and automatically bans any suspicious traffic. 

3. Antivirus Program 

All system files are scanned with an antivirus program. The program is updated frequently as new virus definitions are made available. 

4. Development Training 

Our software engineers undergo secure development training, focused around the OWASP top 10 — a standard awareness document globally representing the most critical security risks to web applications. 

5. Weekly Vulnerability Scans 

All source code is continuously scanned for vulnerabilities and insecure patterns, both externally and internally. Third-party penetration tests are also conducted. 

These strategies ensure protection against ransomware and prevent damage to customer networks that would delay care and put patient data at risk.  

Healthcare organizations must implement robust cybersecurity measures, including regular updates, employee training, network segmentation, data backup procedures, encryption, and access controls to mitigate the risks posed by malware attacks and protect sensitive patient data within all their systems.   

“The key is being proactive rather than playing catch-up after an incident. Make security the backbone of everything from software development to remote access policies. With innovative partners and a prevention-first mentality, healthcare organizations can regain control of their cybersecurity.” (Forbes)

To learn more about how AS Software offers a secure solution for your ultrasound workflows, schedule a demo.

The Detailed Financial Transaction (DFT) interface is a vital component within healthcare information systems that enables electronic transfer of information related to billing accounts, charges, payments, adjustments, insurance, and other pertinent financial data.

By providing a standardized framework for exchanging financial information, the DFT interface empowers healthcare providers to achieve greater transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in managing their financial operations:

  • Facilitating the seamless exchange of financial data
  • Streamlining billing procedures
  • Improving revenue cycle management
  • Enhancing overall operational effectiveness

A Detailed Financial Transaction (DFT) message is a component of the electronic communication system used in healthcare. It contains detailed information about financial transactions related to patient care to ensure proper financial management and documentation.

For ultrasound specifically, think of it as a digital receipt that tracks the financial side of ultrasound appointments at your healthcare practice. It can include details such as the charges for the ultrasound service provided, payments made by the patient or their insurance, adjustments to the bill, and relevant insurance information.

These DFT messages make sure you accurately bill for ultrasound services. They help keep track of costs associated with each ultrasound procedure, process payments efficiently, and manage insurance claims.

Essentially, DFT messages help you maintain the financial health of your practice.

A DFT interface enables the seamless transfer of detailed financial data related to ultrasound services from the reporting system to the billing system. It can include information such as the:

  • Type of procedure performed
  • Patient demographics
  • Charges associated with the procedure
  • Insurance details
  • Payments received
  • Adjustments or discounts applied

With a DFT interface in place, healthcare providers can ensure accurate and efficient billing for ultrasound services. It reduces manual data entry errors, streamlines the billing process, and improves overall financial management within the healthcare organization. Additionally, it helps maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and facilitates proper reimbursement for ultrasound services rendered.

HL7 (Health Level Seven) interfaces are commonly used to exchange various types of healthcare data between different systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs), billing systems, and information systems. But the standard HL7 messaging format doesn’t directly support all aspects of billing, such as associating specific billing codes with individual services or procedures.

The DFT integration customizes the HL7 interface to include functionality that enables the inclusion of billing codes directly. For example, when relevant healthcare services or procedures are documented or reported within AS Software, the associated billing codes can be automatically included in the data exchange.

By incorporating billing codes directly into the HL7 messages exchanged between systems, the need for manual intervention or separate processes to add billing information is eliminated. This simplifies the billing process by automating the capture and transmission of billing-related data, reducing the potential for errors and improving efficiency.

AS Software’s DFT Interface enables the exchange of data between the reporting information system and external systems, like your EHR, using a DFT-customized HL7 communications standard.

This DFT integration allows both systems to function as one integrated solution for a clinic or medical practice. It also includes features for exporting patient charge information, charge cancellation messages, and correction charges.

Exporting Patient Charge Information: When a physician signs a report in the AS Software system, patient charge information is exported. This includes details of the services provided to the patient, with the correct billing codes.

Exporting Charge Cancellation Messages: If a report is unsigned or cancelled, the AS Software system exports charge cancellation messages to reflect this change automatically.

Exporting Correction Charges: When a corrected report is signed, the AS Software system exports the new charges to update the billing information accordingly.

The HL7 DFT Interface for Outbound Billing Charge Capture
Explore how to streamline the billing process by automatically capturing and forwarding details from the ultrasound study.

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Without the DFT interface, several inefficiencies develop in the billing and administrative processes:

Manual Data Entry: Without the DFT interface, staff would need to manually enter charge information into the billing system after each ultrasound procedure. This manual process is prone to errors, leading to potential discrepancies in billing and delays in revenue cycle management.

Delayed Billing: Since charge information would need to be manually entered into the billing system, there may be delays in billing patients or submitting claims to insurance providers. This delay can result in delayed payment and negatively impact the cash flow of the healthcare organization.

Increased Administrative Burden: Healthcare staff would need to spend additional time reconciling data between the ultrasound reporting system and the billing system. This increased administrative burden reduces productivity and may divert resources away from patient care activities.

Billing Errors: Manual data entry increases the risk of billing errors, such as incorrect charge amounts or missing billing codes. These errors can lead to claim denials, payment delays, and potential compliance issues.

Lack of Real-Time Information: Without automated data exchange through the DFT interface, there may be a lack of real-time visibility into the financial aspects of ultrasound procedures. This hampers decision-making processes and the ability to monitor revenue performance effectively.

Incomplete Documentation: In the absence of automated charge export functionality, there may be instances where charge information is not properly documented or missed altogether. This incomplete documentation can result in revenue leakage and billing inaccuracies.

Manual work and disconnected technologies create inefficiencies, errors, and delays in billing and administrative processes, particularly in ultrasound reporting within healthcare settings.

However, implementing the DFT interface streamlines these processes, enhances accuracy, and boosts overall operational efficiency.

By facilitating efficient communication between systems, improving billing accuracy, and streamlining workflow processes, the DFT interface significantly optimizes the financial management of your healthcare operations.

To learn more about DFT interfaces and how they can create billing efficiencies in your organization, schedule a demo.

Caleb King

Caleb King, Director of Customer Engagement

With over a decade of experience building results-driven relationships, Caleb has a deep understanding of meeting customer needs with efficiency. At AS Software, Caleb coordinates complex healthcare projects, and is passionate about making a positive impact by delivering value with ongoing expertise and optimization. 

The way patients are diagnosed, treated, and cared for is undergoing significant transformation in maternal-fetal medicine (MFM). Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool in enhancing diagnostic accuracy, optimizing workflows, and fostering equitable access to healthcare. But there are many profound implications of AI in MFM, which were discussed in a recent panel, “Exploring the Expanding Role of Artificial Intelligence in Maternal-Fetal Medicine” that featured clinicians and experts at the SMFM 2024 Pregnancy Meeting.

The speakers and panelists included: Jeanne Sottile, RDMS RVT CSPO of AS Software; University of Kentucky College of Medicine’s Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow Physician, Dr. Neil Bharat Patel; CEO of Ultrasound AI, Robert Bunn; Chief Medical Offer and Professor, Dr. Garrett K.Lam, of Intermountain High Risk Pregnancy Center and University of Kentucky; and Martin Mienkina, PhD, Advanced Technology and Innovation Manager at GE Healthcare.

Here is a breakdown into the key insights that emerged of the multifaceted applications of AI, challenges, opportunities, and its potential to reshape patient outcomes.

The establishment of trust in algorithmic insights is central to the integration of AI into MFM.

Rigorous testing methodologies are paramount to validate AI algorithms, ensuring consistency and persistence of results across diverse patient populations and clinical settings.

Transparency and trust will build the foundation of successful adoption and utilization of new AI technologies, ensuring that AI-driven innovations enhance, rather than compromise, patient care.

A compelling aspect of AI in MFM is its capacity to democratize healthcare access.

By mitigating skill barriers through technologies like AI-assisted ultrasound, AI enables less specialized practitioners to perform basic examinations with greater accuracy. This innovation is especially promising for underserved rural and international communities, where access to specialized care can be limited.

AI algorithms, like those that can predict preterm birth, represent a large shift in diagnostic approaches.

These algorithms transcend conventional anatomical markers like the cervix, leveraging digital signals within ultrasound images to discern subtle patterns and correlations. AI can ‘see’ beyond human perception and analyze a spectrum of anatomical areas (like the ovaries, uterus, and placenta).

By processing vast amounts of data in real time, AI algorithms can detect early indicators of complications, leading to timelier interventions and improved patient outcomes.

Ensuring equitable access to AI-driven healthcare solutions is a critical consideration in the adoption of AI in MFM.

Some collaborative efforts underway include the development of solutions tailored for low-resource settings, supported by organizations like the Gates Foundation. By leveraging AI to bridge healthcare gaps globally, these initiatives aim to advance maternal and fetal health outcomes worldwide.

The equitable dissemination of AI solutions in MFM extends beyond merely providing access to technology. It involves tailoring solutions to suit the needs of diverse populations and addressing systemic barriers to healthcare access. By prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility, AI-driven innovations have the potential to revolutionize maternal and fetal healthcare delivery.

From enhancing diagnostic precision to optimizing workflows and fostering equitable access to healthcare, AI promises to transform patient care in MFM. However, realizing this potential requires collaborative efforts, rigorous testing methodologies, and regulatory oversight to ensure the reliability, validity, and accessibility of AI technologies.

As the healthcare industry navigates the intersection of AI and healthcare, the future of maternal-fetal medicine holds promise for improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of care.

Learn more about AS Software’s approach to AI: AI in Ultrasound Reporting: Driving Efficiency and Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to reshape the ultrasound technology landscape â€” revolutionizing patient care, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and transforming the use of ultrasound technology.

“The integration of artificial intelligence technology in ultrasound imaging is expected to make the ultrasound imaging technique smarter and improve the efficiency of the technique to accurately examine the disease. The surging demand for imaging biomarkers and quantitative imaging is significantly driving the demand for AI in ultrasound imaging.” (Precedence Research

Current ultrasound reporting solutions drive value through greater efficiency, automation, and interoperability. These same benefits are also major catalysts of emerging AI value, which will continue to drive clinical, financial, and operational benefits for healthcare organizations.

How AI can complement our existing workflow solution

AS Software is the workflow conduit connecting ultrasound machines, EHRs, and PACS/VNA, and we’re uniquely positioned to incorporate AI into this existing solution ecosystem deployed across our customer base — which currently manages over 10 million studies annually.

We have a long track record of prioritizing interoperability with industry-leading technology providers; many of which are now incorporating AI into their offerings. AS Software will be positioned to both interoperate with existing AI and leverage embedded AI from various partners in the market.

We’re excited to have customers and partners working with us to explore options to best meet these needs, and see many opportunities for AI to enhance research capabilities, ensure diagnostic accuracy, and further automate features to reduce documentation time.

Opportunities for AI in Ultrasound Reporting

There are many opportunities for AI to positively impact ultrasound and ultrasound workflows, and help automate reporting, image analysis, and task administration — giving time back to sonographers and physicians.  Some of the near-term opportunities include:

Enhancing Clinical Research Tools

Today, researchers are limited to searching text data contained in historical reports. Adding a search dimension that includes information contained in the associated historical studies and images opens many new and interesting possibilities for exploration.

Maintaining Certifications

The ability to search DICOM images by their contents can enable the creation of new features that aid in preparing submissions to maintain AIUM certifications.

Capturing Charges

By comparing the contents of images captured in a study to the procedures within an order, AI can ensure that procedures listed within an ultrasound report for billing purposes reflect the work completed. This allows organizations to capture additional charges that would otherwise be missed without AI assistance.

Improving Quality Assurance

Detecting image contents can be used to improve the efficiency of individuals performing quality assurance and quality control functions.

Approaches to AI growth and development in ultrasound

As demand for ultrasound technology innovation grows, it’s exciting to see emerging niche AI vendors like BIOTICSai and BrightHeart, and established partners like Microsoft Azure, leveraging AI to accelerate innovation throughout the industry.

There are three paths for companies like AS Software to consider when adding AI into existing solutions:

  • Native AI: Developing AI technologies in-house.
  • Acquired AI: Acquiring existing AI solutions.
  • Embedded AI: Integrating AI tools into existing workflows and software solutions.

While native AI development isn’t our current focus, we are actively exploring embedded and acquisition opportunities. 

With an established history of embedding and complimenting electronic health records (EHR), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and other ultrasound and healthcare technology, AS Software is well-positioned to connect and incorporate AI tools within streamlined ultrasound workflows. 

If you have any questions about the future of AI at AS Software or are interested in partnering with us to explore new ways AI can reshape ultrasound reporting, please contact us.

David Lintz

David Lintz is the CEO of AS Software and brings over 25 years of healthcare and technology leadership to the organization. His commitment to building strategies centered on providing value to customers, along with his visionary approach to innovation, is instrumental in propelling AS Software to offer transformative ultrasound reporting, automation, and image management solutions. Under David’s leadership, AS Software continues to expand and enhance its capabilities to better serve the healthcare market, driving efficiency for providers nationwide.

When I purchased my first personal computer, the only way to obtain software was to drive to a big box store and pick it up, like a bag of chips. But unlike a bag of chips, the package wasn’t immediately useful.  Instead, you had to make sure it would run on your machine first and then install it — sometimes, the install wouldn’t work.  

This painful method of distributing software via physical media was frustrating for software producers and users.  

As internet connections improved, new avenues of software distribution became available.  

Soon we could download and update the software. Before long, the software was handling this for us. Software companies also began offering solutions that didn’t need to be installed, only accessed. 

“Cloud” or Software as a Service (SaaS) applications offer significant advantages for consumers. These consumer benefits are amplified in enterprise software, which costs more and requires more expertise and infrastructure to run. 

Three major benefits of cloud healthcare technology 

1. Safer data and secure browser delivery  

Delivery of the application via a browser, which is nearly universally available by default on all computers, means nothing must be installed to begin getting value from the software. It reduces the need for powerful local machines and prevents any potential loss of data.  

2. Lower costs and reduced system complexity 

Before cloud technology, enterprises had no choice but to build out large data centers and find, hire, and retain experts for costly servers, networking, databases, and security. Teams were asked to run and manage many critical business systems without being experts in those systems.  

Cloud-based solutions offload this complexity and enable enterprises to focus on utilizing their solution. Each cloud solution adopted reduces the number of systems that overloaded IT teams need to support. 

3. Quicker delivery and rapid feature updates  

Cloud providers can react to customer feedback at a pace no solution delivered in another fashion can match. All great companies listen to their customers and incorporate their feedback, but every software producer is constrained by the pace their customer base can receive updates. 

For example, if it takes a customer a month to roll out a minor update, and two to six months for a major update, how many updates can a software producer realistically expect a customer to take in a year? One? One every other year? If each customer needs to engage their IT team, spin up a project, get resources assigned, and execute the upgrade, those might even be conservative estimates.  

Ultimately, the fundamental promise of cloud products is to enable customers to toggle on and configure new features as they become available, allowing customers and software companies to engage in a much tighter feedback loop. 

Given that cloud solutions can reduce implementation time and complexity while enabling a tighter product feedback loop, it is no wonder why there has been a strong movement to adopt cloud technologies across all industries.

In healthcare specifically, the benefits of cloud technology will continue to help increase efficiency and quality of care while lowering IT burdens as more organizations migrate to cloud technologies.   

To learn more about the benefits of cloud healthcare technology solutions for your organization, schedule a demo. 

Nasrin brings over 15 years of hands-on experience to AS Software, and as the new Director of Clinical Ultrasound Solutions she will provide valuable technical and clinical guidance to customers and team members. In addition to leading AS Software’s first Customer Innovation Group that will help directly influence the product roadmap and innovation, Nasrin will also work with individual customers looking for solution workflow optimization and best practices. 

Get to know Nasrin better through her spotlight interview below and make sure to connect with her on LinkedIn! 

You’ve been in the ultrasound field for over 15 years! Why did you choose ultrasound and how did you get started? 

“Ultrasound chose me. My background was in Computer Science, and I worked for five years as an Application Specialist. I knew I was interested in healthcare but was unsure of which direction to go. My journey began when I was fortunate enough to find a position at a hospital in the suburbs of Chicago. I had the opportunity to shadow a sonographer and from then on, I knew it was my calling!” 

You’ve spent much of your career at Texas Children’s Hospital.  Tell us about your journey there. 

“I started at Texas Children’s as an MFM sonographer. The department was brand new, and as it grew, I was able to take on more responsibility. Because I was well-versed in technology, I would ask a lot of questions about our technical capabilities. That’s when I started to grow into the leader that I am today. I went from an MFM sonographer to the Assistant Director of the MFM department, managing eight clinical sites.” 

You helped evaluate ultrasound reporting systems for the team at Texas Children’s, what was that process like? 

“The system we were using wasn’t cutting it for how busy we were. The options were to upgrade the current system or go with something different. We decided to see what was out there and ask the sonographers and physicians what was most important for them.  After assessing three different reporting systems, the demo from AS was everything we were looking for.” 

What was it you were looking for in an ultrasound reporting system? 

“It needed to be reliable and easy to use for sonographers and physicians. The physicians wanted to create high-quality, easy-to-read reports that looked great to referring physicians. The goal was also to eliminate documenting in multiple EMR systems. Overall, AS answered the wants and needs of the department.” 

“It made a huge difference for us, and over the years I continued to be more impressed with the team at AS and establish wonderful relationships.” 

Now you’re going to work closely with Texas Children’s here at AS Software! Tell us about your career transition. 

“Texas Children’s was my home for 12 years, and I’m excited to continue working closely with Dr. Wesley Lee and the team. I see the opportunity to advocate both for them and for all of AS Software’s current and prospective customers — sharing best practices and incorporating feedback from into the product roadmap.”  

“We’re at the point where patient care truly needs support. Clinicians need the best technology that helps them improve their workflows and deliver great patient care. I’m looking forward to tapping into the side of the clinicians to deliver the best product to them, giving them what they’re looking for and what’s important on a day-to-day basis.” 

And now tell us some fun things about yourself, any hobbies? 

“I have a huge family that I love spending time with. I also enjoy traveling, and in my spare time I enjoy sewing! It could be as simple as making a dress or changing the color of my curtains.” 

Welcome, Nasrin! We can’t wait for all the great things to come with you here at AS Software. 

The transformation of healthcare is creating many benefits for both patients and clinicians, including: 

  • Delivering quicker access to patient data 
  • Removing physical barriers to care and communication 
  • Empowering patients to take a more active role in their health 

Enhanced technology leads to the necessity for more expertise and new capabilities; for clinicians and IT teams it can feel like there is always another escalated strategy to implement, another manufacturing update, a new portable device or application to connect, another system to learn, and even more integrations to ensure. 

“The largest challenge the healthcare industry faces when it comes to adopting new technology is the initial error rate. Generally, new technological products require iteration before they’re sufficiently reliable. This iterative process can be painful, potentially resulting in inaccurate predictions and inappropriate recommendations.” (Forbes Technology Council

As new applications, digital tools, and Health Information Systems are innovated, disparate network structures and piecemeal solutions take a toll on user experiences and operational processes. 

Think of the slow, frustrating rise of the Electronic Health Record and the difficulties of interoperability that have had massive impacts on data sharing capabilities and patient and clinician experiences. Innovation is key, but how can administrations and IT professionals ensure they are filling in gaps as technology advances throughout healthcare?

While standardization is strategized and best practices become more widely understood and utilized, technical support resources have become one of the top gauges for reliable usage and adoption. 

Two of the main focuses in effective Health Information Technology are to ensure: 

Correct Usage: Clinicians are able to input and access all data accurately and timely, capturing patient records and reporting visit information. 

Proper Data Flow: Data is managed seamlessly through interconnected systems — transferred and stored securely in the right systems in the right format. 

Proper IT support is a major factor in achieving these goals. With access to reliable support from an experienced team: 

  • Clinicians are onboarded to technology and receive the proper training to feel confident in all features and tools. Any technical issues or questions are addressed in a helpful and timely manner by the support team. 
  • Systems are built to meet the unique interoperability requirements of the organization. All needed upgrades and incoming system integrations are securely developed and addressed by the support team.

When the daily stress of a clinician’s workflow is exacerbated by a potential bug or an error, do they know who to call? Do they have access to resources to fix the problem promptly? How much will it affect their daily productivity? What impact will it have on the quality of patient care they can provide? Or is that error something that would have been prevented with proper maintenance and upgrades? 

A professional, helpful support team alleviates these burdens and helps clinicians meet innovation with confidence.  

As Dr. Porter said in his success story, “medicine is changing all the time.” In order to adapt, It’s the responsibility of the healthcare organization to ensure that they are partnering with reliable organizations that provide technology support. 

To learn how we partner with customers to provide expert IT support from implementation to beyond, request a demo.Â