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AS Software Ultrasound Solutions Information

  • Reducing errors and liability with automated, intuitive features
  • Increasing referrals and patient volume with easy-to-generate, comprehensive reports
  • Improving employee satisfaction and retention with better collaboration and communication

  • Standardized documentation made simple
  • Faster report completion and quicker access to information
  • Automate key terms and actions with custom dictionaries and templates
  • Intelligent data mining and statistical analysis
  • Comprehensive library of custom reports
  • Easy data entry and review
  • Vendor-neutral interfaces built with ease across modalities
  • Download the info sheet to learn more about our tailored, centralized reporting platform designed for OBGYN, MFM, Vascular, and General Ultrasound departments.
  • Easy-to-read, structure format links directly to ultrasound images
  • Unique interface removes endless toggling and multiple windows
  • Comprehensive DICOM image management
  • Auto-drop CPT and ICD-10 codes to satisfy orders and charges in your EHR
  • Improve charge reconciliation and reduce rejected insurance claims
  • Fast, reliable day-to-day support delivered on-demand
  • Detailed project coordination and implementation plans

Small to mid-size practices and labs

Large health systems and complex enterprises

Multi-site facilities